American Atheists’ president on how the media mishandles the nonreligious

Justin Ray from the Columbia Journalism Review interviews Nick Fish about how the media misses the mark in its coverage of atheists and other nonreligious Americans.

When I make TV appearances, they want the fight. They want me to be angry with this other person, and they want that person to be angry with me. They want it to be a game. I’ve had that experience: I appeared on Fox News on Sean Hannity’s show, and I was on with Kirsten Powers [then a Fox News political analyst, now on CNN]. She is a Christian. She came on and agreed with me. We were having this discussion about religion in schools, and the guest host, Eric Bolling, told us we weren’t supposed to agree. But what American Atheists wants is common ground. It’s not atheists versus Christians. It is Christian nationalism against everybody else.


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