Atheist and humanist groups sue Mississippi over state’s ‘In God We Trust’ license plate

The Religion News Service reports on a new lawsuit filed by American Atheists over Mississippi’s controversial and unconstitutional requirement that all drivers display license plates bearing the state’s preferred ideological message (“In God We Trust”) or be forced to pay a fee.

American Atheists, in a statement, lambasted Gov. Tate Reeves for championing the Senate’s efforts to put “In God We Trust” on the state seal back when he was a lieutenant governor in 2014.

In a subsequent campaign for governor, Reeves appeared adjusting such a license plate during a 2019 commercial in which he equated “In God We Trust” with Mississippi values.

“No matter how much Gov. Reeves or other politicians want to pretend that Mississippi is some kind of Christians-only club, it doesn’t make it true,” said American Atheists President Nick Fish in the statement. “Forcing atheist drivers to endorse a religious message they reject is antithetical to our values as Americans and unconstitutional, plain and simple.”


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Freethought in Florida #55: Nick Fish